April 16th was the one year anniversary of the hospital visit where I discovered I had ovarian cancer. The previous days had been lovely and I had been enthusiastically working in the overgrown garden, hoping to work off what I thought was 'winter weight'.
The onset of pain in my side sent me to the emergency room on the 16th. They recommended I see my Gyn. and from there began quite a sudden and scary journey. It felt like the life I thought I had control over had suddenly become a car on a rollercoaster. I was going for a ride but I didn't know where I was going, it was scary as hell and there was no getting off!
Now a year later I am still recovering. Scars are fading and I can lift the laundry basket again without being lectured. I am slowly building up strength in my legs and struggling with swelling in them as a complication of the surgery.
It is not all difficult though. Aside from the troubles I have been given so many gifts... The gift of watching my children grow and play, talking to and laughing with and kissing my husband, time with my family and friends, cats to sit on my lap and chase toy mice (and scratch all the furniture), art to make and art to buy, seeds to plant and gardens to weed, and trips to plan (France and Denmark this summer!!!).
So this post today is a thank you to the world for the year I've had and for the many more years I plan on having! It is also a Thank You to the family and friends who have been so wonderfully caring and supportive during the past year. I feel blessed to have you all in my life.